The images shown in this project were taken as part of my studio lighting photography class. I was tasked with taking fashion/portrait shots of various models. While shooting the photos I was given the option of an indoor studio or renting studio lights and going on location. In the end, I chose to rent the lights and go on location. When it came to location, I chose a natural setting and an urban setting. I knew I wanted to focus on the models and their clothes, so I decided against having them hold props of any sort. I also knew that I wanted them to be dressed in vibrant and muted colors with contrasting backgrounds depending on location.
After the photos were taken, I had to transform them into believable clothing ads. The three brands I chose to base my ads around were H&M, Pacsun, and Urban Outfitters. My reasoning behind picking these three brands is because they all have very specific esthetics when it comes to their lighting and aim towards younger people. I made the H&M ad bright and welcoming as their brand has the biggest gap when it comes to their consumers' age. The Pacsun on the other hand advertised most of their clothing being outside at a beach or a bonfire. With that information, I thought it would be interesting to make an ad for a boot sale where the model is wearing them in a conventional outdoor setting. Lastly, I knew I wanted the Urban Outfitters ad to be set in an urban setting however they are almost all shot during the daytime. This is when I made the decision to shoot the ad around dusk/night. This I felt, made the model's white shirt pop more and the ad feel unique to the brand.


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