While taking Graphic Design Media Management, my professor gave us the task of designing our own movie posters based on a made-up movie of our choice. It had to have photography elements and had to have a little bit of custom typography. When it came to the process of creating this poster I had to come up with a genre of movie and a name for the film. I originally was going to go for a horror movie poster but after seeing what everyone else in class was doing, I decided to steer away from that and focused more on creating a poster for an adventure/thriller movie. Once that was decided I had to come up with a name. This is when I came up with the titleĀ The Witch-HikerĀ as a sort of play on words with the word witch and hitchhiker.
After all of that was decided I went to take photographs of my model. I made sure to get at least six variations of the shot in order to see what works best. Once that was done, I took the images into Photoshop and gave them a more illustrated treatment. Lastly, I added the final text details along with the title.
A few months later I came back to the project and decided to add onto it with a DVD/Blu-ray box. I had never designed the box art for a Blu-ray movie so I took this opportunity as a learning experience and studied various case designs in order to create the most realistic depiction of a movie case I saw possible with the time that I had. In the end, I was happy with the result and learned quite a bit along the way.